How to Deal with Dysphoria on Your Period

Gender dysphoria: the horrible thing that happens when your sense of identity doesn’t match what you were told at birth. For people with gender dysphoria and periods, that time of the month can be an especially trying time, especially because of the overwhelming femininity that society associates with having one. Are there any ways to help lessen it?
1. Try using birth control to stop them.
There are many different kinds that can do that: oral contraceptives taken continuously, hormonal IUD’s, and other types. Talk to your doctor to find out if one could work for you.
2. Try switching methods of dealing with them.
There is a wide range of options for dealing with menstruation, beyond just disposable tampons or pads. You may find that a menstrual cup is better, because you feel normal and don’t have to think about it so much; or that reusable pads are best because they’re more comfortable than pads but don’t need to be inserted.
3.Practice self care.
It’s always important to do that, but especially at this time. Do what you need to do to stay happy and calm. Take a little time out of your stressful day to relax and do something you love.
Have a warm beverage, like tea or cocoa.
Play with a pet. They don’t care what you look like, only that you’re nice to them.
Listen to comforting music.
If you’re struggling with overwhelming emotions, try to talk to someone supportive-a parent or sibling, a friend, a counselor or therapist, etc. Another alternative is writing in a journal.
Take a hot shower or bath, or place something warm on your abdomen, like a hot water bottle, a warm towel, or even your laptop.
4.Eat healthily and drink a lot of water.
This will help make your period lighter and shorter.
5. Take painkillers such as ibuprofen, acetaminophen, etc.
The pain relief may clear your head a bit.
6. Exercise.
When you feel like your body is going against who you are, tell it who’s boss. Work on looking more like how you want.
Push-ups will make your shoulders wider.
7.Wear your favorite clothes.
That shirt that always lets you pass? The pants that make your hips look just right? Your binder? Perfect.
8.Get pad-friendly boxers.
These kind of products may be harder to find than your average pair of underwear, but they are available. Alternatively, you can make your own pad-friendly.
If you have light flow, try wearing two pairs of underwear. Trans men with light flow may be able to do this without wearing pads. Just ensure that the one on top is black and tight enough to prevent flow down your leg. This may help avoid staining and dysphoria.
TomboyX sells gender-neutral period underwear, if you’d rather stick to just one pair at a time.
9.Come up with a funny or discreet nickname for your period.
Switch “feminine hygiene products” to “period products”, or even “masculine/androgynous hygiene products” if you want to poke fun at the name. By switching up the language you use, you can alleviate dysphoria and maybe even spark social change! Here are some ideas:
Shark week
Blood moon
Uncle Redd/Flo
Red panda ritual (as a reference to Turning Red)
The maroon monster
The worst of times

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